“You are the most on-the-mark psychic reader I have ever encountered.  Your reading was specific with names.  Not only did you tell me what I knew to be true, but once you created that validation for your readings you went on to what I needed to know.”

Georgia E. Warren, PhD

Aurora, NY

“Thank you so much for the great reading.  That same evening after my reading I had a phone interview for a job I really wanted.  What you said about not being nervous and letting my talent shine, I got the job!  The interview went really well and I felt very comfortable and confident through it!  Thanks for all your help and information.”

Tracy Waldas

Encinitas, CA

“Thank you so much for the extra time you gave me during my reading.  Your advice was very helpful and gives me a sense of peace going forward.  I will keep you posted on the outcome of the issues we discussed.  God Bless!”

Virginia Traver

Belle Isle, FL

“My husband and I are so glad we found Sandra!  Over the years we've had many readings from her, and she's experienced and so on-point! There were those times when we were trying to decide whether to move out-of-state, or change jobs, or even do both! Tough decisions, yes. But that's when we went to get readings for her insight and guidance. She had right-on specifics with names, places, even some family information that was also helpful. Our lives have been better thanks to her!  She's a nice, sincere and caring person who's a positive thinker. If you want to get a reading but not sure how to go about it, just try to keep an open mind and go for it! We did!”

Carlo and Joanne Basta